Summer is the favorite season of many people.However ,there is one thing in summer that almost everyone disgust ,the Mosquito .Mosquitoes are among the peskiest nuisances in a household. They bite insidiously, carry diseases, ruin your relaxation time and are slightly difficult to kill (and messy, if you decide to squash them with your bare hands). Mosquito bites leave nasty and itchy red marks on your skin which you will likely end up scratching, thereby irritating the affected area.
Although synthetic Mosquito Repellent are widely available in the market ,people are seeking protection with low toxicity. Lucky ,there are some plants that are naturally repelled by mosquitoes such as Rosemary. Both the New York Botanical Garden and PlantShed recommended Rosemary as an alternative Mosquito Repellent.Rosemary is an herb that many of us are very familiar with and their woody scent is exactly what keeps mosquitoes as well as cabbage moths and carrot flies away. The rosemary herb contains an essential oil which acts as a natural mosquito repellent. To make a skin-friendly rosemary mosquito repellant, mix 4 drops of rosemary essential oil and ¼ cup of olive oil and store it in a cool & dry place. Apply as needed on your skin.
--Fox News Magazine
--Nature Hacks